Master The Correct Processing Method Of Bamboo Board

Master The Correct Processing Method Of Bamboo Board

Nowadays, the use of bamboo board instead of wood for furniture production and processing has become an increasingly popular trend. The excellent material and performance of bamboo board have been recognized by consumers. Bamboo board is a widely used furniture board. Favored by the market, Taohuajiang Bamboo is a professional bamboo laminate manufacturer in China. Taohuajiang Bamboo has been in short supply in recent years and has been trusted by users. It is recommended that users use the following bamboo sheet processing methods:

1. Please check whether the bamboo furniture board is intact before use.

2. If the single-layer bamboo furniture board is combined with other material boards, please clean and level the substrate material combined with the bamboo furniture board to ensure that it is basically free of impurities and greasy substances. The composite surface of the substrate must be completely flat and free of irregularities. If the substrate is a wooden material, make sure that the moisture content of the material is close to the moisture content of the bamboo furniture board, so as to prevent the substrate from absorbing a large amount of moisture and expanding or drastically shrinking after being combined with the furniture board to damage the furniture board.

3. This bamboo furniture board can be compounded with various materials under the condition of using suitable adhesives. Please choose the adhesive carefully and learn more about the variety, performance and usage of the adhesive from the adhesive distributor.

4. Apply the adhesive evenly to ensure that the coated surface of the adhesive covers the entire composite surface without leaving a blank.

5. Before the adhesive is cured, the bamboo furniture board is combined with the substrate, and the board surface is flattened with pressure to squeeze out the excess adhesive and the bubbles inside.

6. If the whole multi-layer bamboo furniture board is directly used as a furniture panel and other furniture accessories, please grasp the width of the bamboo furniture board. The too wide board is prone to arch deformation. Therefore, for a relatively large area of the whole board We recommend the use of bamboo furniture panels with a crosswise and crosswise structure.

The correct and proper processing method of bamboo board can fully display the unique color, texture and texture of bamboo. Improper processing methods will make the bamboo board unusable, which may cause the board to crack, deform, and even moldy. Therefore, it is very important to master the correct processing method of bamboo board.